Current Audience Expectations

The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center follows University of Maryland guidance regarding health and safety and UMD follows the guidance of Prince George’s County and the State of Maryland. 

Patrons attending University of Maryland arts events are no longer required to show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test. We continue to encourage audiences stay current with vaccinations and boosters.


In compliance with the most recent University of Maryland update, while strongly encouraged, masks are no longer required to be worn indoors across campus. This includes students, staff, faculty and visitors, as well as all audience members attending in-person events at The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center.


As of November 9, 2023, proof of COVID-19 vaccination will no longer be required at the University of Maryland. COVID-19 vaccines remain strongly recommended.

Patrons attending University of Maryland arts events are no longer required to show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test, but we continue to encourage audiences to stay current with vaccinations and boosters.

Stay Home If You Are Sick

If you are feeling unwell, please stay home. With ultimate flexibility in mind, we’re waiving all refund and exchange fees this season. Whether you’re switching your ticket to a digital stream or canceling altogether, simply call or email the ticket office at 301.405.2787 or for returns, exchanges and refunds at no additional cost.


Future Updates

We work closely with UMD’s Health Center, and follow local guidelines from the University of Maryland and Prince George’s County to keep our patrons, staff and performers safe. As circumstances change we will continue to adapt and update our policies, keeping this page up-to-date with the latest information about what to expect during your visit.

Safety Information

When visiting The Clarice, your safety is paramount. Emergency situations are fluid and can change quickly. In an emergency situation, our staff will contact campus emergency services as soon as possible. 

Be prepared. Know your responsibilities.

Emergency preparedness is a shared responsibility. Please be prepared:

Before you visit

During your visit

  • If you see something suspicious, say something. Contact Campus Emergency Services regarding suspicious activity by calling 911 or 301.405.3333.
  • Look for your nearest exit. In the case of an emergency, walk, do not run, to that exit.
  • In the case of an emergency, please follow all instructions provided by emergency first responders. For your reference, safety information is included in the printed program for most public performances.

Emergency Planning

As you plan for the specific types of emergencies listed below, please keep in mind our assumptions about emergencies:

  • The Clarice could be exposed to a variety of natural and human-caused hazards that have the potential to disrupt the operation and occupancy of the building.
  • An emergency and/or incident may occur at any time of the day or night, weekend or holiday and with little or no warning.
  • The sequence of events in an emergency and/or incident is not predictable.

Fire and Evacuation

  • Pull the fire alarm if it is not already sounding.
  • Leave the building immediately using the nearest exit.
  • Do not use the elevator.
  • Call 911 or 301.405.3333 from a safe location.
  • Evacuate to the assembly point.


  • If you are indoors: Drop to the ground. Take cover under a sturdy table or desk, or protect your head with your arms and hold on.
  • If you are outdoors: Stay outdoors in the open away from power lines or anything that might fall.


  • The safest locations to seek shelter vary by hazard.
  • In some situations, it may be best to stay where you are and avoid any uncertainty outside.
  • For weather-related incidents, seek a low-level and interior space away from corners, windows, doors and outside walls.
  • Check for UMD Alerts to know when it is safe to leave and for other emergency notifications.